My love for gastronomy & culinary travels

Guest post by Mei

A good friend once told me that Travel is not just about the destination, it is about the people.

The faces you meet, the lives you touch and those whose lives touch yours. It’s never just about buildings and the scenery, but people. That may be so, but I would like to go one step further to suggest that the complete travel experience is also about food. Every country is unique and would inevitably have great food, it’s just whether or not, as a visitor with limited time, you are able to find it.

As an avid food blogger, travel- dining and experiencing the ultimate in haute cuisine is always a rewarding experience for me. Don’t get me wrong, you will see from our blog, Cumi & Ciki that I love street food and am ever willing to go down that path less trodden to sniff out any bizarre, local cuisine. However the foodie in me will also invariably look for that one ultimate high-end culinary experience in every country I visit. Living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, one of the restaurants that has fast become one of my favourites for high-end dining, is Cilantro. If ever travel brings you to my shores, be sure to check out this place and here are some reasons why.

truffle butter

Truffle butter.

It is a taste like no other. One sniff. One slather. You are totally hooked.

Close your eyes. Sip your wine. Embrace the musk.

Truffle butter. I have found my raison d’être!

Poached Lobster a la minute with Kyuri and Avruga

Poached Lobster a la minute with Kyuri and Avruga

Perfection in a martini glass.

If you travel the world over looking for that single, culinary sensation that will make your experience complete, look no further.

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A cold starter with some Japanese Cucumber Puree adding a crisp, fresh twist to the succulent, perfectly poached lobster.. finished off with a generous dollop of Caviar. Sweet, sweet surrender!

Parpadelle Pasta with Crispy Duck and Foie Gras

Parpadelle Pasta with Crispy Duck and Foie Gras

One of the most exquisite, artisanal pasta dishes is served here at Cilantro. The duck gives this dish a bit of a fight, some character if you will.. and the rich, silky foie gras, is nicely tempered with mushrooms and served in a red wine reduction.

You will find no pasta finer than this on our shores.

Parpadelle Pasta with Crispy Duck and Foie Gras in motion

To heighten the sensation, slurp your pasta!

Even in this fine dining restaurant, you will find Cilantro laid back and the staff easy going.

All the more reason to tarry a while longer.

Sea Bream with Scallop and Zucchini Flower

Sea Bream with Scallop and Zucchini Flower

A luscious scallop placed inside a zucchini flower and then deep fried in batter is the perfect accompaniment to the sweet sea bream.

Slow Roasted Grain Fed Lamb, served with Delphinoise Potatoes and Summer Truffles

Slow Roasted Grain Fed Lamb, served with Delphinoise Potatoes and Summer Truffles

Truffles! One can never have too much of it.

Tender grain fed lamb roasted medium with just enough gaminess and natural juices to temper the musky, cloying scent of the truffles.

A carnivore’s delight.

cheese platter

Cheese Platter

A great selection for cheese lovers.

Warm Apple Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream

Warm Apple Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream

A fluffy, flaky warm apple pie for that great taste of home!

Yes travel can indeed be a rewarding experience if one is open and receptive to all the sensations around him or her.

Warm Apple Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream

Dig deep, delve deeper

If the traditional five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste, are a classification attributed to Aristotle, then I say, listen to the wise man! On your next travel trip be sure to delve deeper into the sense of taste.. I am sure you will find this a deeply rewarding experience!

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In summary, being true travel foodies, we feel that in life, we need to enjoy what we do, have passion and cultivate a sense of curiosity about the world.

Our Motto in Life:
1. Be curious. The only way to know if you like and unusual dish is to try it. Nothing ventured nothing gained.
2. Experiment. Once in a while, make it a point to eat at some place you would not normally go.
3. Know your likes and dislikes – Don’t be wishy-washy.
4. Support local produce. Be proud of your mother land!
5. Give praise to those who can cook and cook well – it takes talent and a lot of effort and I thank God everyday for family and friends who do this so well.
6. Treat yourself whenever you can – life is too short. Take time out from your hectic schedule to enjoy that Foie gras sandwich, that Pavlova or that Wagyu beef steak!

I love gastronomic travel because every experience is new. No matter how many time I go or have been, I always feel like at that very moment in time, I am standing on the precipice of possibly the best culinary travel experience of my life. Like I said before, from a foodie’s perspective, trying new cuisines, having a simple but mind-blowingly inspiring meal, something that just makes me want to yell from the roof-top that that “this is it! life does not get better than this” .. now that is always the ultimate goal for the traveler foodie in me.

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Address :
Cilantro Restaurant & Wine Bar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Google Maps (N03° 9.416′ E101° 43.351′)

About Mei

Mei is an avid traveller, based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, who enjoys writing about her travel and gastronomic experiences. In her words: “It all started out a couple of years back as a means to journal our travels and related photos. However, because we enjoy eating so much (as do other Malaysians) this blog soon took on the form of a food blog: Cumi & Ciki is a Malaysian food and travel blog. The name is derived from a popular educational television puppet show for Malaysian children in the 70s and 80s. This is the tale of the two traveling, eating, thrill-seeking monkeys from Kuala Lumpur. Food and culture go hand in hand. We feel that in life, we need to enjoy what we do, have passion; cultivate a sense of curiosity about the world. We hope that this is conveyed through our Cumi dan Ciki blog.”
Follow Mei on Twitter.


I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

10 thoughts on “My love for gastronomy & culinary travels

  • 6 September, 2010 at 11:06

    The only thing that caught my eye was the apple pie, the crust looks delicious 🙂 The rest is too fancy for me and definitely not for the regular traveler.

    • 6 September, 2010 at 12:31

      It’s true that these are different dishes from what we are used to eat – but traveling means trying something local. Of course there are – for each traveler – some limits :). But yes, that apple pie has a yummy crust! I’m thinking of making some apple pie… 😉

  • 6 September, 2010 at 16:49

    What is the “regular traveler” Laura? Is that someone with normal bowel movements when they visit other places. I feel I am a “regular traveler” and everything looks delicious to me.

    I usually am good with lesser quality food, but I agree with the post that sometimes you have to indulge and experience the best of what a country and culture have to offer. Great pics and great post. I would love to check out Cilantro when I come to Indonesia.

  • 6 September, 2010 at 16:55

    Actually I think I may not have worded my thoughts properly. By regular, I meant people who can’t afford a meal whose cost equals their entire stay there.

  • 7 September, 2010 at 11:04

    hi all! thanks for your wonderful comments!

    Just for the record, the meal above is a set lunch that cost USD30 plus a glass of Kir Royale champagne!

    So i think, so long as you know where to find good affordable food, your travel experience will be heightened that much more! that’s where the foodie in me, kicks in place and says THIS is IT! LOL


    • 7 September, 2010 at 15:38

      Wow, $30.00 for such an amazing experience. I know that might be tough for backpackers on a very limited budget traveling around the world.

      This begs the question what is the point in traveling around the world when incredible cultural experiences like this great restaurant are missed? You end up thinking you are seeing everything, but end up missing a lot.

      When I come to Indonesia, I will budget an extra $30.00, so I can experience Cilantro.

  • 7 September, 2010 at 11:50

    Your food and story are always amaze me! 🙂
    Yes you are right. That’s a matter of preference.
    I buy ridiculous souvenir than nice bed, I eat good food once in a while because I know that’s a part of travel and culture.
    Poached Lobster, looks awesome.

  • 7 September, 2010 at 16:08

    thank u darling juno;) come to Malaysia i will take u to eat lobster & oysters till u drop:P LOL

  • 7 September, 2010 at 16:13

    yes ted, when u stop over in Indo .. do remember msia/cilantro is waiting too;)

    • 7 September, 2010 at 16:21

      Might be a good idea if I want to eat at Cilantro to get the country right LOL 🙂


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