What to do on a Monday in Vienna

Mondays are often difficult for a traveller or tourist as usually art galleries and museums are closed. But in what Vienna is concerned, there are plenty of things you can do in the first day of the week. Here’s how to make the best of a Monday in Vienna.

Have fun in Prater

Prater, Vienna is indeed the park where you can spend hours and hours having fun! I have shared with you some tips regarding Prater and I also told you that the giant ferris wheel in this amusement park is a NOT to miss experience!

Giant ferris Wheel Prater Vienna


Yes, Vienna has a lot to offer from this point of view. A whole street with many shops from various brands waits for you. I’m talking about Mariahilferstrasse, a place you shouldn’t miss when in Vienna, especially during sales period! I admit that one of my holidays here was during such a sale time, so yes, I dedicated some hours to shopping on Monday, even if I am not the shopping traveler type. But I did find some really beautiful clothes at some stores that weren’t present, at that time, in Romania, my country. I’m recommending this to you! Vienna also has some malls – so you have a lot of places to choose from!

Visit the famous churches

I am truly recommending them to you. Vienna has many lovely churches that are discovered with interest by people from all over the world, regardless of their religion.

My top three churches are Karlskirche, Saint Stephan’s Cathedral (Stephansdom) and Peterskirche.

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Ankeruhr (Anchor Clock) – the public clock with human figures

In Vienna there is a clock that marks each hour with a special figure from history. At noon you can see all the figures for all the hours;) Yes, it is only at noon when that happens, so make sure you make your schedule to include it.

Anker Uhr - XI - Vienna, Austria

Near this clock you’ll find Jungferngasse – the street so short it has neither door nor number, a place I’m also recommending it to you.

City tour by carriage/bus

If you don’t have too much time in Vienna and you like tours, make sure you book one for the day. I would recommend you a long one with a carriage, but you can also choose from a wide variety of bus tours.

At sunset, during summer, be at the colourful fountain

Vienna has a beautiful colourful fountain and the light show begins at sunset. I’ve presented you the fountain here – and yes, it is indeed lovely to stay on a bench, with a breeze blowing your hair and watching the light show.

Travel tip: Make sure you get there while there is still some light available, so that you could take a look at The Red (Soviet) Army memorial „Heldendenkmal der Roten Armee”. It is worth it 😉

End the evening in Danube Tower

Enjoy a well deserved dinner in the restaurant in the Donauturm – it takes about an hour for a complete tour of the city from the tower’s height 🙂 If you already had dinner, then you can simply enjoy Vienna by night. Find out from this article more about the Danube Tower in Vienna and tips. Oh, be sure to be at the tower at the latest 10PM in order to have time to go up and have the dinner – the tower closes at midnight. If you only want to admire the view, then beware that the last group goes up at 10.30 PM.

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Of course, you can also choose to go to the movies – if you understand German, as all movies are dubbed.

You can also enjoy a walk in some of Vienna’s parks and also on the Danube island.

Austria’s capital has, as you can see, plenty of activities for anyone who is Monday in this city. What did you choose or would you choose for a Monday in Vienna?

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What to do on a Monday in Vienna, Austria



I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

3 thoughts on “What to do on a Monday in Vienna

  • 7 May, 2013 at 09:35

    Nice tips! Vienna is one city that has eluded me thus far, but I’d love to visit someday. 🙂

  • 9 May, 2013 at 05:13

    One of my fav cities in Europe!

  • 2 August, 2013 at 00:00

    I’ve only been once to Vienna and it looks like I missed out on some great highlights. I definitely have to go again one day.


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