Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Bucharest, Romania
As we all know, during wars many soldiers disappear and they are never found. In Bucharest there is a monument dedicated to the unknown soldiers who died fighting for Romania during World War I.
The monument was built in 1923 and its location changed along the years – now it has returned to the original place.

The details of the changed location are mentioned on this tablet:

The details are only in Romanian, but translated they state that:
- 17th May 1923 – the monument is inaugurated in Carol Park
- 22-23rd December 1958 – the monument is moved to the Marasesti Mausoleum
- 26th October 1991 – the monument was relocated in the center of Carol Park
- 25th November 2006 – the monument was moved to its original place
The area is considered a sacred one, not a playground. Bicycles, rollers, scooters, etc. are forbidden here, as specified in another tablet.

If you stroll through this park, you’ll most likely notice the impressive mausoleum (its story in another article) – and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is located just in front of it – you’ll notice it as soon as you get closer to the mausoleum.
As an important note, you can reach the Mausoleum on stairs or on the side alleys – no stairs there.
And the view over the park that you get once there, near the Mausoleum and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, is beautiful – you’ll see that it was worth your effort.

What a great monument! Great pictures, too.