Carturesti Carousel: an amazing bookstore in Bucharest and a must see in the city

You may not think that a bookstore is a must see in a city. But, believe me, this “Carousel of Light” is definitely a not to miss sight in Bucharest, capital of Romania. Located in the centre of the city, on Lipscani 55, close to various pubs, clothing shops and more (part of Bucharest Old Town), Carturesti Carousel is a breathtaking bookstore.

Carturesti Carusel
Carturesti Carousel – ground floor view

I admit I love white buildings, and I wanted to visit this bookstore since I heard that it will be opened. As a side note, the bookstore is inside an old house which served as a bank until 1948, then as a store during the communism period.

The building was restored in 2013, by the owner Jean Chrissoveloni along with Square One studio, in a way that aimed to combine the old with the new. And the result is fantastic, believe me – and see below.

“Carturesti Carusel” has 6 floors, reading spaces, a multimedia studio at the basement, a bistro at the last floor, and an art gallery dedicated to contemporary exhibitions at the first floor. 10,000 books and 5,000 albums and DVDs can be found here.

Carturesti Carousel - view from the top floor
Carturesti Carousel – view from the top floor
Carturesti Carousel - detail
Carturesti Carousel – detail
Carturesti Carousel bookstore
Carturesti Carousel bookstore
Carturesti Carousel - bookstore
Carturesti Carousel – bookstore
Carturesti Carousel
Carturesti Carousel
Carturesti Carousel - interior view
Carturesti Carousel – interior view

The building may not impress you from the outside, but the inside is wonderful! The light is indeed special – and the effect is wonderful. You could spend a lot of time here.

Carturesti Carousel bookstore - exterior
Carturesti Carousel bookstore – exterior

You have an elevator – if you cannot use the stairs (I loved this!) And then, books, many-many books, in English and Romanian. At the ground floor you can also find various accessories or office supplies, and even gift ideas :).

Carturesti Carousel - a splendid bookstore in #Bucharest, #Romania #travel #Europe


See also  Photo(s) of the week: sea (pebbles)

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I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

17 thoughts on “Carturesti Carousel: an amazing bookstore in Bucharest and a must see in the city

  • 29 September, 2015 at 09:35

    Oh my word! That bookstore is huge! My husband and daughter would have a field day in it! Going to Carturesti Carousel is now on our bucket list, for sure!

  • 29 September, 2015 at 15:40

    So amazing structures all over the building! Exploring inside is a wonderful moment for me, how i wish to be there!

  • 29 September, 2015 at 19:01

    This bookstore looks more like a palace! It’s so beautiful, I hope most of our bookstores are like this. If ever that happens, I don’t think I’ll ever go home. Lol.

  • 30 September, 2015 at 04:02

    Wow this looks like an awesome bookstore! I could get lost there for days.

  • 30 September, 2015 at 06:33

    omg, this has to be the prettiest bookstore i’ve ever seen! if only bookstores are this pretty in singapore. it’ll be my fav hideout!

  • 30 September, 2015 at 14:44

    This truly is the most beautiful bookstore ever!! I really would love to visit this place someday 😀

  • 30 September, 2015 at 15:37

    I like the setup of the bookstore. It looks fresh and comforting. It’s has a rich heritage with the intricately carved interior.

  • 30 September, 2015 at 16:05

    Bucharest is now bucket listed! Interesting place! Thanks for this tip, I would love to visit this place too.

  • 30 September, 2015 at 17:51

    It does look like a wonderful place to spend a whole afternoon! Reminds me of another bookshop I visited in Taipei (Taiwan) recently. The huge book store is located near the central train station in the city, and it’s stocked with a LOT of … Chinese Books! An amazing place too.

  • 30 September, 2015 at 17:54

    It does look like a lovely place to spend an afternoon! It reminds me of another Huge Bookstore I visited in June this year – in Taipei Taiwan. Near the central train station. the place is 4 or 5 stories filled with CHinese Books! I was lost in there 🙂

  • 1 October, 2015 at 02:27

    What a huge and elegant bookstore, as only a European country can have. I hope one day to be able to visit Bucharest and see this place for myself.

  • 1 October, 2015 at 04:01

    Lovely bookstore. I do not mind spending the day here. Europe is beautiful! My friend recently went to Europe and the place she visited were breathtaking.

  • 1 October, 2015 at 07:16

    WOW! That bookstore looks like a library of a mansion/castle. With those pillars and spiral staircase, it really is a must see. 🙂

  • 1 October, 2015 at 07:20

    That doesn’t look like a bookstore. Huge and very gorgeous. I haven’t seen one here. I

  • 1 October, 2015 at 15:57

    This is so gorgeous! Reminds me of a similar bookstore in Maastricht.

  • 1 October, 2015 at 18:16

    The bookstore indeed looks grand and posh! Like a palace and a grand library. I’m glad books are still available now, especially when everyone is going online… Nice place to visit!

  • 2 October, 2015 at 03:34

    this is a bookstore? omg! i thought it was a mall? such a big store for books and I would love to see it for myself! i love books! and even my kid too


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