Will you use the site launched today – EuropeTravel.net – to share your travel experiences?

Today EuropeTravel.net debuted their new online social community and website. The idea is that anyone can easily create an account and than start sharing their “travel and sightseeing in any of the 55 countries that comprise Europe. In addition, the goal of EuropeTravel.net is to help create an informative network that allows travel companies to reach and connect with new customers”.

The official press release mentions also that the site is designed for both travelers and travel companies. Anyone can share their experiences, recommend sights to see, share photos and so on. Business, on the other hand, have other advantages. “Resorts can easily create free classified listings on the site to promote their offers. Travel companies, resorts and other businesses can upload videos that highlight the beauty of their location, their amenities and more. In addition, all of these services are available to businesses and travelers at no charge – EuropeTravel.net is completely free to use.

Businesses also gain the advantage of being able to market directly to travelers, something that is not possible on other social networks and communities. Targeted marketing and offers made directly to those who are most likely to be interested offer the best possible conversion and ensure that travel companies, resorts and others are able to engage with new customers on a scale not possible previously.”

The fact that this site is free for use – especially in marketing purposes is a good thing, I’m sure, for many companies. However, many travelers have their own blogs where they post their travel experiences and engage discussions. Thus the question: Will you use EuropeTravel.net to share your travel experiences – or will you go on writing on your blog and that enough? Is the site a good idea for bloggers promotion too? Do you have the necessary time to post there too?

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I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

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