Have fun in UK

Every person travels for his or her reasons. Some to relax, some to discover, some transform travelling in a way of living, etc. There is no right or wrong reason to travel. And every person travels in his or her manner.

Some love to go to museums, special houses, while others are more found of nature, parks, botanical gardens. Some love to chat with the locals, to find out more about a country’s history, culture, past, while other want to have fun and even to play. Of course, activities can be combined in order to have a complete “view” of a place.

casino dice

casino, photo by Juan R. Velasco / Shutterstock

For those who love casinos, the thrill of gaming, UK has many suitable attractions. The biggest casino in Britain is Aspers Casino Westfield Stratford City, a casino that benefit from the changes in the Gambling Act which, starting 2005, lifted the limit of 20 slots. This casino has 150 slots, a 150 seats poker room, many roulettes and blackjack.

As a side note, Manchester was supposed to house the biggest casino in the UK, but, in the end, it was decided to have 16 smaller casinos – which is anyway a great opportunity for those who love to gamble to have various locations to go and have fun.

An important thing to know about gambling in the UK is that it is illegal to permit any person under the age of 18 to enter a licensed gambling premises. So, you can only go to such places if you are 18 and above – with an exception in the case of licensed family entertainment centres. But regular players definitely know that as it is not an uncommon rule.

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But going to a dedicated venue isn’t the only way one can gamble in Britain, as there is always the online way. This manner is getting more and more popular among players all over the world, and if you want to play online, then you should click here for online casino.

As you can easily see there are many options for gambling in UK. While there is not a place that can compare to Las Vegas, there are definitely many casinos that welcome players all over the country. Remember though to keep it to the fun level, never cross the line. Gambling can be though a fun experience – Andrei went to a casino in an evening, had some fun at some tables with his friends. True, we are not heavy players, but people that want to try, every once in a while, new experiences.


I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

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