Eric turned 1 year today!

One year! Can you imagine that?!? Eric Radu Cristian  – Eric as I call him – turned today one year!

I was scared of the hospital a year ago – it was my first time in one – but I knew everything will go perfectly and all will be worthed for I will have my child, my son.

And so it was: on 27th June 2011 Eric was born. A beautiful baby boy.

At first it wasn’t easy. We live in an apartment that has only one room and Eric didn’t sleep during nights. So for the first two months, I was awake for 23 hours/day as I was staying in the kitchen with Eric during nights, so that Andrei could get some sleep, and I was working and taking care of the child during the day. Afterward we bought a camping bed, and Andrei moved to sleep in the kitchen.

But I’m not complaining as Eric filled our lives with joy and tenderness. And when he smiles… well, any parent knows: you don’t need anything else. A smile is enough for everything!

Then, at the beginning of the year, during winter, I had two problems, two weeks apart, with my knee cap – as it slipped away from its place. For two months I stayed in house, wearing knee support at the doctor’s recommendation, but it didn’t get any better. So I had to go through a surgery – almost three months ago – and I still have a long way to full recovery.

During all this time Eric was great! Understanding as we weren’t able to walk him as much as we could have if I didn’t had the problem, calm and loving. Truly great!

See also  Andrei turned 41. A birthday spent at home, especially for a frequent business traveller

Eric changed our lives – that’s clear! We love spending each moment possible with him, discovering the world, showing it to him, seeing it through his eyes. And it’s great.

Due to my knee problem, to the fact that we didn’t get the credit enough to start building our home and to some other factors, we decided not to through a big party for Eric. Instead, we invited some dear friends over and shared a big and delicious birthday cake – an inspired choice made by Andrei! And we were in the family. Of course, his godparents will see him too – we don’t miss that – but probably during the weekend, as the godfather is in another country right now.

We shared some great moments today – and I’d like to share them with you too. Here’s Eric in his bed

and here looking at the candle light 😉

Happy Birthday my dear Eric!


I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

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