The Romanian Traditional Costume Museum

The Romanian Traditional Costume Museum  is a new museum that I’ve discovered in Bucharest, with a rich collection of textiles, especially costumes  belonging to the Romanian peasants.

Located in the House of Parliament via The People’s House – one of the biggest buildings in the world –the museum falls under the patronage of “Dimitrie Gusti” National Village Museum. Its collection includes costumes of the women and men from different Romanian areas as: Muscel, Arges, Dambovita, Valcea and Teleorman, the best represented being Muscel, Arges.

Founded in 2004, the museum shows the evolution of Romanian traditional costumes in the last hundred years. I’ve discovered with pleasure ones sewn with silver and gold thread that belonged to the wealthiest people from the village.

Unfortunately, I’ve found out that the museum is under pressure to be evacuated and the lack of tourists  does not help the situation 🙁

Although the pictures speak for themselves, I must emphasize that the museum is very friendly and modern. The ticket price is 6 RON for adults or 3 RON for students. It is open from Tuesday to Sunday, 9.00 – 17.00, but I wanted to visit it in the weekend and it was closed. Perhaps you should call ahead (phone: 021.311.49.90/021.311.49.91. If you call from abroad, please insert the country code).

I simply can’t find a real reason for why you shouldn’t visit this beautiful piece of history if you come to Romania!

Romanian Traditional Costume Museum entrance
Romanian Traditional Costume Museum entrance
Romanian Traditional Costume Museum 01
Romanian Traditional Costume Museum 01
Romanian Traditional Costume Museum 02
Romanian Traditional Costume Museum 02
Romanian Traditional Costume Museum 03
Romanian Traditional Costume Museum 03
Romanian Traditional Costume Museum 04
Romanian Traditional Costume Museum 04
Romanian Traditional Costume Museum 05
Romanian Traditional Costume Museum 05
Romanian Traditional Costume for bride and groom
Romanian Traditional Costume for bride and groom
Romanian Traditional Costume for bride detail
Romanian Traditional Costume for bride - detail
Romanian Traditional Costume painting
Romanian Traditional Costume painting
Romanian Traditional tablecloth
Romanian Traditional tablecloth
Patrimony Romanian Carpets Album
Patrimony Romanian Carpets Album

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Valentina Roman

Being an optimistic and organized character, I’ve always tried to bring something fresh in whatever I’m doing. This is why the projects I’m involved have taken part of my desire to reach perfection by innovation and responsibility for the partner. I like open, happy, creative people, able to transmit their ideas in an elegant and decent manner. A tent of common sense and pragmatism in an age where details seem to matter no more. You can read my blog or follow me on Twitter in Romanian

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