How to pass the time when you are sick and confined to your room

No one wants it, but it happens: sometimes we get sick on our travels. It doesn’t have to be something awful, it can be a flu or a cold – but when it is combined with a fever, that means at least a day inside.

And that’s not fun. Not at all.

It’s stressful. It’s depressing. It’s annoying.

But there are ways to enjoy this time. Or to make it useful. Listed below are some ideas for you – given that you can stand, and aren’t semi-sleeping in bed all day long.

hotel room

photo by davidlee on Pixabay

How to pass the time when you are sick while traveling


If you brought some books with you, you could relax and read. It’s a fun activity, plus it does not require a lot of effort and can be done from bed too. You just have to be able to concentrate.

I admit I usually travel with a book or two. But if you are not a fan of printed books, then you can use a book reader. Heck, you can even read some articles or studies you wanted to read but never had the time to. Let’s not forget that there are more and more free books available – just do a little research and you’ll definitely discover something for you. Or you can start researching the next place you’ll visit. Or… you get the idea. There will definitely be something to read.

Watch a movie. Listen some music

If you are sick, you might as well relax. Take a break. So, why not catching up with the latest episodes from a TV series or listen to some music? Think about it:).

Catch up with friends

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If it’s been a while since you talked to some friends, you might use this time and talk to them. Only if you feel comfortable enough to speak. Or you may exchange messages 😉

Write some drafts for your blog. Choose some photos

Well, if you are traveling and have a blog, then you always have to post something. Or, if you don’t have a blog, but use social networks, there’s work as well. So, you can write some drafts of future articles. And select some of the best photos to illustrate those posts. And prepare the social media images. Yes, there’s a lot to be done!

Catch up with emails. And social media

If you want an “inbox 0”, then you have to answer emails as they arrive. So, if you can type, you can use this time spent in your room to read and reply to the messages received. And you can update your social media accounts.


Look at this time inside the room as some fun time, if possible. At least partially. So, do something that relaxes you. If you like to play games, go for it. Whether online – multiplayer –, offline or on your phone, you can advance in your quests. Or establish new high scores. Or do new levels. And if you like a different type of entertainment, you can even take some mobile casinos free spins.

In the end, a day off can be a good day. We live in an era when people struggle to do so many things in such a short time. While that’s not something necessarily bad, a break now and then is good. Sure, no one wants this break on a forced manner – as in the case of a health issue that confines one to their room –, but, if the tme off has to be taken, at least it could be put to good use (as long as the health problem isn’t very bad).

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I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

One thought on “How to pass the time when you are sick and confined to your room

  • 14 August, 2016 at 00:57

    Well, if you are traveling and have a blog, then you always have to post something. Or, if you don’t have a blog, but use social networks, there’s work as well. So, you can write some drafts of future articles. And select some of the best photos to illustrate those posts. And prepare the social media images. Yes, there’s a lot to be done!


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