3 Travel Emergencies and How to Handle Them

Travel is usually synonymous with being a pleasurable and exciting experience. Visiting a new country can be an adventure many of us wait for year-after-year, and more young people are choosing to explore the world before starting their first adult job. However, traveling isn’t always a dream. In fact, it can be complete hell at times. There are many emergencies and things that can go wrong, and although at the time it can seem like the end of the world, it really doesn’t have to be. You have to prepare for the worst, so if it does happen, you know how to tackle it head-on and with minimal disruptions.

3 Travel Emergencies and How to Handle Them

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Health-Related Issues
Health emergencies can be terrifying, but thankfully, with the right amount of preparation you can both avoid common health emergencies and know what to do in extreme cases. To start, check what you are qualified for. In most cases, you will likely need to get travel insurance that covers medical costs. This will make travel so much less stressful because you don’t have to worry about the costs associated with going to the hospital. You should also check whether you need any jabs before departure, as certain countries require you to become protected against certain illnesses. You need to organize this in advance, as some jabs will need to be done a couple months before you arrive in a country.

If you fall ill when traveling, know where your nearest hospital is, and also learn how to say ‘hospital’ or ‘doctor’ in the language for the countries you’re visiting.

Delayed or Canceled Flights
Health emergencies are not the only things you need to worry about, either. Delays or flight cancellations can range from inconvenient to resulting in you stranded for the night in extreme cases. Though there is little you can do, you can, however, prepare and make yourself as comfortable as possible. If your flight is going to be delayed for more than 3 hours, then you can claim for free food and drink, the cost of two phone calls or emails, and free hotel accommodations and transportation if you’re experiencing an overnight delay. If you’re unsure on how to make a claim or what your rights are, then always carry the number of a trusted flight compensation company such as FairPlane, who can advise you on what to do and what you’re entitled to.

Problems with Accommodation
Whether you book a hotel room or an Airbnb, there is always some risk that the booking that you have made is not what you thought it would be. Not being without a place to stay can feel terrifying, but all of it can be avoided simply by picking up a SIM card at the airport (and unlocking your phone). By having data in your destination country, you can stay in contact with your host, or, in the worst case scenario, find the nearest hotel and stay there.

See also  Save Money While Calling When Travelling

Travel emergencies are a common part of any trip, but by preparing for them and staying calm throughout the emergency, you can get through it. Panic will never help you, but by keeping a cool head and knowing your rights and your options, you can solve the problems you face and still enjoy your trip.


I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

One thought on “3 Travel Emergencies and How to Handle Them

  • 2 July, 2018 at 15:32

    Good to know about that 3 hour delay Lori. I had no idea this claim existed. After flying 120 times we had no such delays but I’m keeping it in mind for down the road. Free grub.


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