Romantic getaway in Targu-Jiu

A few days ago, I’ve traveled with some work in Targu Jiu, the capital of Gorj County, Oltenia, Romania and I’ve realized that it could be a very nice place for a romantic weekend getaway. As it is not very far from Bucharest, you will have enough time to visit The County Museum and the Central Park which is absolutely wonderful in this period of the year.

Constantin Brâncuşi, the famous Romanian sculptor has three art works exposed in the city of Targu Jiu. Famous Brâncuși works include the Sleeping Muse, The Kiss, Mademoiselle Pogany, Bird in Space and The Column of the Infinite, popularly known as The Endless Column. Considered the pioneer of modernism, Brâncuși seen as the patriarch of modern sculpture and some of his works, as I’ve said, are exposed in the Central Park and admired by travelers from around the world.

While in Targu Jiu, I’ve admired The Endless Column (Coloana Infinitului), The Table of Silence (Masa tacerii) and The Kiss Gate (Poarta Sarutului), but I must say that the last one is amazing and the number of couples that take photos under it can confirm this. The picture can be quite a romantic souvenir!

So, I know it sounds pretty unusual to have in mind such a little and industrial town for a romantic getaway, but please take it in consideration for an autumnal walk in the park, a nice dinner and a way back home following the river.

Targu-Jiu - Poarta Sarutului (Kiss Gate)
Targu-Jiu - Poarta Sarutului (Kiss Gate)
Targu-Jiu - Historical Monument

Targu-Jiu - Poarta Sarutului (Kiss Gate) 2
Targu-Jiu - fall
Targu-Jiu - fall
Targu-Jiu - Masa Tacerii (The Table of Silence)
Targu-Jiu - Masa Tacerii (The Table of Silence)

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Valentina Roman

Being an optimistic and organized character, I’ve always tried to bring something fresh in whatever I’m doing. This is why the projects I’m involved have taken part of my desire to reach perfection by innovation and responsibility for the partner. I like open, happy, creative people, able to transmit their ideas in an elegant and decent manner. A tent of common sense and pragmatism in an age where details seem to matter no more. You can read my blog or follow me on Twitter in Romanian

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