Lovely and Useful Travel Souvenir(s) from Malta

Andrei travelled recently to Malta with work. He didn’t had too much time to take photos or see anything – as he arrived there on Sunday evening and left on Monday at noon. But this time he bought some souvenirs – other than the magnets he took last time. And these were some useful – and cheap! – souvenirs, so I decided they deserve to be presented here.

Fridge magnets from Malta - souvenir
Fridge magnets from Malta

First one – and the one I found to be more useful for me – is a hair brush with a mirror, a small travel “pack”. It is very small, you can take it in your handbag or in your luggage (I have it in my purse right now) when travelling or even at work, when going out etc. and it was less than 3 euro! Did I say I like this souvenir? 😛

Malta - hair brush - souvenir

travel hair brush - Malta suvenir

Malta suvenir - hair brush


The second one is a set of cup holders – to be used at home, obviously (or to offer as a gift). Again an affordable souvenir and a practical one at the same time! I like this one too, of course;)

cup holders, Malta souvenir

As I mentioned, I like souvenirs not because of their financial value, but for their sentimental one. They remind me of special friends, gestures, moments.

Andrei also bought a patch 😉

patch from Malta

And here is a photo with all our souvenirs from Malta.

Malta souvenirs
Malta souvenirs

See also  Barcelona Nocturna


I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

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