Blog anniversary: 5 years of Travel – Moments in Time

December 13th is a special day for me as it marks the anniversary of this blog: Travel – Moments in Time was launched on December 13th 2009 and it has been a wonderful journey ever since. I always loved to write and I always loved to travel. These two combined – a true pleasure.

Looking back on the articles I wrote for this blog, I realize I have many more stories to tell, many more wonderful places I visited to present and some opinion articles to share with you. I hope you will like them all, as I hope you like the articles published so far here.

5 years of Travel - Moments in Time


5 years, photo from Shutterstock

I am convinced that this blog enriched me: it offered the opportunity to meet – online or in real life – some really wonderful and interesting people, travelers. Some became my friends, and I am so proud to be able to say that.

I also discovered many interesting and wonderful travel blogs that I am now reading, and great travelers that I am following online on my social media accounts.

Traveling offers, sometimes, a different perspective on things, countries, people. Discovering history, cultures, meeting local people – it’s all part of the wonderful process of traveling from place to place.

I admit I am not a nomad: I do have a home, one that I longed for all my life 🙂 – and I like to have a “base”. But I also like to take advantage of every moment spent on the road. I have a long-long list of places I want to visit, and I also let myself be surprised of places not included in a given itinerary, cities or countries that I just “end up” visiting one way or another. I love a good surprise 😉 (and I am actually planning a post on traveling, plans and expectations.)

See also  May you have a blessed Easter!

But today I am happy: happy to reach the 5 years milestone, happy to see the way this blog evolved, happy to look at all the post I published, and happy thinking of all my travel friends this blog got to me!

So this is for you: thank you for visiting this blog, for reading and sharing the articles you find interesting. Thank you for this long trip – and to many, many more years, Travel – Moments in Time!

 Happy blog anniversary, Travel – Moments in Time! Come, share a glass of champagne with me 🙂 _ even if it is a virtual one! Cheers!

5 years of Travel - Moments in Time - glasses of champagne
5 years of Travel – Moments in Time – glasses of champagne

5 years of Travel – Moments in Time – glasses of champagne, photo from Shutterstock


I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

7 thoughts on “Blog anniversary: 5 years of Travel – Moments in Time

  • 13 December, 2014 at 19:44

    Happy Anniversary and many more wonderful years to come!

    • 13 December, 2014 at 21:31

      Thank you, dear Alina! All the best to you too and to all of your projects and blogs! Hugs!

  • 13 December, 2014 at 20:24

    Happy anniversary, Lori! What a great accomplishment. Have a sip of champagne for me.

    • 13 December, 2014 at 21:32

      Thank you kindly, dear Barbara! Miss you – and wish you all the best!

  • 14 December, 2014 at 17:34

    Happy anniversary, Lori! (^_^)

  • 21 December, 2014 at 00:21

    Congrats on 5 years!! It’s an accomplishment, and I’m happy you’re happy!


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