Souvenirs from BMW Welt, Munich
If you like cars and are visiting Munich, then you should definitely include BMW Welt on your list of places to visit while in this city.
The place is quite interesting and serves as a multifunctional space – you can see the newest BMW models, you can have a look at what BMW plans for the future, you can visit the museum and, if you plan your visit in advance, you might even be able to have a guided tour of the factory.
And you might fall in love with at least one BMW model 😉
Also, you might not be able to leave the place without buying a souvenir.
Andrei recently visited BMW Welt and, of course, brought us some souvenirs from the place. I’ll leave him to share his experience, and today I’m showing you the souvenirs from BMW Welt.
Eric and I got two cars. A Mini and a BMW. Yes, I’m more of a BMW fan – while Eric (4) is a Mini fan.

Andrei also bought some fridge magnets for our collection 😀

Have you been to BMW Welt? Did you like it? What souvenirs did you buy from here?
I’m not much of a car person, but I know some people in my family are, so I’ll definitely keep your post in mind! 🙂
Great souvenirs, but I´m not sure if I would be able to leave BMW Welt only with a miniature car… Would be hard to resist a such temptation, BMW cars are my favorites.
Cheers and thanks for sharing your experience!
I’ve actually never been but would love to. I’m a big BMW fan. I love the cars but don’t own one. I’ve told my kids that when they’re gone out the house and I no longer have to pay for college, I’m buying me a BMW convertible as my retirement gift.
I’d prefer to take home the real thing 🙂 I love the vintage magnets though.
The souvenirs are so cute. I love those miniature cars. I hope to visit this someday.
I’m a huge car guy, so I would love to check out BMW Welt. Love to see some of their new i8 in person! It would be even better if they let me take it for a test drive!
I love BMW. Its not just super stylish, its super safe too. I survived a major accident inside a BMW. SoI kinda swear by its features…
My boys will definitely enjoy this place and the car souvenirs you have shown. We have to get the credit card ready to buy some stuff if we visit this place. Hehe.
I am a car person and I have been to BMW Welt. I totally loved it esp as I am a fan of BMWs! Sadly, i did not get any souvenirs 🙁 Now, i wish i did!
Wow! I’d love to sample this BMW ride for good. Thanks for the update on this.
i would love to visit munich at some point. I’m not really into cars but i do love a museum
Oh, I collect fridge magnets. Those are cool cars, btw. Are those souvenirs affordable?
We were in Munich last year but unfortunately didn’t have time to visit BMW Welt. Hopefully next time!
I love the way BMW’s drive but could never see myself owning one. We are a Volvo and Mercedes family so I would feel like a traitor. 😉
What neat souvenirs! We were in Munich last year but didn’t visit the BMW Welt, we stuck with the more kid-friendly zoo 🙂
It’s always nice to get some souvenirs! I loved Munich, but didn’t get a chance to visit the BMW factory. It would have been pretty cool to get a tour of it though!
I’ve never been here before. I like the magnets! And although I am not a fan of cars, it would still be nice to visit a place like this when you’re in Munich. Thanks for sharing your experience there.
I’ve never been to the BMW welt… actually I’ve never been to Germany! So this will be a great stop to add to my itinerary! Cute souvenirs 🙂
Nice! I love BMW’s. Such beautiful cars. Safe as well! I know personally because I got into a big accident while driving my former car which happened to be the same exact car as the silver one in the picture. The 5 people in the car (including me) were all safe and no one had a single scratch. I have faith in those cars.
I would love to visit that place in Munich. I know my dad would love that place. He’s a BMW aficionado as well. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Wow It looks so gorgeous and perfect for all those fans If I will show it to my son he will go crazy over these beauty.
I have not been to Munich but have that place on my wish list. The car models look awesome and not only kids but adults too would love to collect a few.
The replica BMW would be a nice collectors item. This can be a elegant but memorable souvenir.
I like the miniature BMW its super cool for display and can play it too. This is a stylish and performance car plus its safe too.
Miniature cars are so much fun to collect! These are so adorable and cool! 😀
Ooh, the land where amazing cars are made haha. THose are really cute and I think that that’s definitely something my guy friends would love to have their hands on as souvenirs and gifts!