Pisa – my town

Guest post by Silvia Ceriegi

When people think about Pisa they always have in mind the famous Tower. Beside the tower there is a town, too. An ancient, full of history town. Many people take pictures at “Piazza del Duomo” (Square of Miracles) and think to have visited Pisa.


To visit the town of Pisa, you should, of course, have a walk at Square of Miracles, better if visiting the Cathedral and the Baptistery too, but you also have to enjoy the narrow streets, get into the many medieval churches.

Beside the many, interesting churches, you’ll find in Pisa some Museum too. At Palazzo Blu there are continuously interesting Art Exhibitions. Beginning October 15th until January 29th there will be the Pablo Picasso painting exhibition “I wanted to be a painter and I became Picasso“.

Picasso a Pisa

But to get inside Pisa’s live you have to stop, to sit outside in one of the many bars and to take a coffee. Pisa’s University is one of the most famous Italian Universities and students enlighten the town.

Before to leave Pisa, you don’t have to miss the two Pisa’s squares I love: the first one intellectual and the second one popular.

There are “Piazza dei Cavalieri” (Knights’s Square), surrounded by many buildings belonging to the Normal School, founded by Napoleon in 1810 and actually one of the highest level’s free Universities of Italy and “Piazza delle Vettovaglie”, where every day you may find the most typical Market of Pisa: the fruits and vegetables market. Around Piazza delle Vettovaglie you’ll also find many smelling groceries  and fish shops and some “trattoria”, small cheap restaurants where you may try typical Tuscan food and wine.

See also  Saint Francis of Assisi Church in Vienna

Don’t to be missed, better at sunset, is a (romantic) walk along the Arno River.

Silvia CeriegiAbout Silvia Ceriegi
I (//www.facebook.com/#!/silvia.ceriegi) was born 1979 in Pisa, where 2004 I got the degree in Industrial Chemistry. Now I deal with environment. I travel since I was a child, before with my parents, now with my husband. When I’m not travelling, I manage a guest house, Casina al Monte.
I began writing my travel blog Trippando when expecting for my first child.


I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

2 thoughts on “Pisa – my town

  • 18 August, 2011 at 10:59

    Thank you so much Lori for hosting my guest post about Pisa!! Waiting for you!!

    • 22 August, 2011 at 14:31

      Thank you, Silvia for the great post. Working on my own (during breaks allowed by Eric 🙂 ).


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