Photo of the week: Dutch Windmill

Netherlands is the country of windmills, both new and old. While the new ones mainly give us electricity, the old ones were used, and some still are, for land drainage, corn and saw milling, and grinding. This particular one, De Distilleerketel, is used for grinding grain and it was initially built in 1727. Unfortunately it was destroyed a couple of times throughout history and eventually restored in 1986.

Windmill Rotterdam
De Distilleerketel - Windmill

See also  Photo of the week: back in time - cradle

Radu Panciuc

Except surfing online most of the time, Radu enjoys discovering new places and people. He is in love with the nature and uses his bike to get there. He lives in Rotterdam, NL. You can check his personal blog or follow him on Twitter.

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