Boarding starting with window seats – the secret to a faster airplane boarding study reveals

No one likes to waste time when boarding an airplane. However, often boarding involves a lot of time and also means chaos sometimes.

A new study shows that there is another method that could make passengers board a lot faster and in less chaos. It’s all about starting with the window seats, in an alternatively way. Then continue with middle seats and so on.

The method was developed in 2008 by Jason Steffen, an US astrophysicist. It was however just recently tested – in the television show This v That, “using a mock-up of a Boeing 757 plane and 72 passengers with luggage.

They tested five approaches, in each case allowing parents and children to board first.

The winner by far and taking a total of 3.5 minutes, the Steffen Method involved an “every other row” approach.” (source).

The Steffen Method is thus much better than the back to front approach used now by many airlines.

You can read more abut the study here and you can see the method put in practice in this video.

See also  Relax: Sometimes The Pilot And The Co-Pilot Are Sleeping Simultaneously While Flying, A New Survey Shows!


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