Travel Bloggers’ Love Stories: Incredible, But True!

updated 2019

I like to publish, every once in a while, a great collaboration post here. Today I am very pleased to present you a few wonderful love stories – some that you might think only happen in books or movies! 11 famous travel bloggers shared their love stories – and, first of all, I’d like to thank, publicly, everyone for joining this initiative. I admit, the idea of this article is inspired by our (Andrei and I) anniversary: on September 23rd and 24th we celebrated 13 years since we got married. I shared our story (quite a funny one) at the end of this article. But enough about me. Today, it’s all about love. And special, wonderful, love stories. Inspiring stories – some travel related, some not. But all showing everyone that it is possible to find THE ONE:) And to be happy! And to travel, of course. So let’s see these travel bloggers’ love stories!


Megan and Mike Jerrard from Mapping Megan and Waking Up Wild

Megan and Mike Jerrard
Megan and Mike Jerrard

How we met is a bit of a non traditional tale! Having each traveled solo for many years, myself from Australia, and Mike from the States, we ended up finding ourselves in Africa at the same time. (The one thing we love above all else are the reactions we get when we explain to people that he is from America, I am from Australia and we met in Africa!)

After having both finished the Mt Kilimanjaro climb, we met through mutual travelers at the hotel at the bottom of the mountain. Before we knew it we had spent hours talking to each other and laughing together, and found ourselves sitting beneath a starry African sky in the early AM hours. Dinner had turned into breakfast and we forced ourselves to say goodbye before heading towards separate flights. We swapped emails and phone numbers, not having any clue that our wedding in Hawaii would be less than three years later!

After that chance encounter back in August of 2010, we began a long distance relationship and used the distance between us as an excuse to meet in exotic parts of the world half way inbetween. We married in 2013, and based ourselves in America for a couple of years before selling everything we owned to travel full time.

Now, after 4 years of marriage, and a whirlwind relationship around globe (50+ countries and 7 continents) we have set up a permanent base in Australia, and look forward to a bit more of a settled and slower pace to life. Don’t get us wrong, we’ll still continue to travel! But it’s nice to have a place to call home.

Follow each blog on Facebook too: Mapping Megan on Facebook and Waking Up Wild on Facebook

Jacky and Mihir – Nomad Epicureans

Jacky and Mihir
Jacky and Mihir

Mihir and I met in March of 2012 at a student party in Turku/Finland. If there was ever such a thing as destiny, this was it. A pure coincidence had led Mihir to attend this, and only this, student party of 2012. I had moved to Finland from Austria for an exchange year and Mihir was had come from India to pursue a Master’s degree. We chatted the whole night and practically moved in together only a few days later. Our first adventure together took us to Poland and the Baltic countries, but I had to go back to Austria soon afterwards. For two years we continued this long-distance relationship which was marked by many short visits to Austria and Finland respectively. Whenever Mihir came to Austria we tried to explore as much as possible there and in neighboring Slovenia. Dating long-distance wasn’t always easy but I think our relationship grew stronger through it.

I graduated in September of 2014, packed my bags, and moved to Finland only 6 days after my final exam, without ever looking back. Slowly we established a life together in Finland and eventually started our travel blog, Nomad Epicureans, to document our travels. In May of 2017 we finally got married and in August the same year we packed up our entire household and our two cats and moved to Copenhagen/Denmark. Since then we’ve been sharing our experiences as expats and we are continuing to explore the world together. I can’t wait to see what our future holds, but I know one thing for sure – I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Follow them on Facebook and Instagram too!

Karen and Jacob – Wanderlustingk

Karen and Jacob
Karen and Jacob

I met my now husband Jacob at an activist on campus. I thought he was cute with a lot of interesting things to say, however we didn’t end up talking until he offered me a ride back to my apartment. I found out that he’d be visiting Italy for work while I would be traveling solo through Italy in the upcoming month. I proposed that we’d meet up in Venice and Bologna—and from there, we made a plan. Our trip to Venice and Bologna as virtual strangers was a bit awkward at first, but we fell into a rhythm that complemented each other’s travel style quickly while discovering many things in common. One night, we had a really romantic dinner before we ended up deciding that we’d give things a try. From there, the trip became quite romantic with long dinners. After the trip, we continued our relationship in person, however when Jacob found out that he was moving to Amsterdam for his new job, we had a hard decision after less than a year of dating. I chose to come to Amsterdam with him, which started a challenging, but rewarding chapter of travel and ultimately marriage. During our time in Amsterdam, we traveled together to 18 countries together and we’re about to move to our second country together (France). We eloped last year in Amsterdam. Travel has been the thing that brought us together and it has continued to be something that gets us excited for the future together.

Follow them on Facebook and Instagram too!

Jazmin and Steven – Travel To Blank

Jazmin and Steven
Jazmin and Steven

Hello we are Jazmin and Steven of Travel To Blank. We love visiting all the beautiful places around the world together. We met while studying at the University of Colorado Boulder and have been traveling since. After Steven graduated we left our jobs to commence a two-month United States road trip. It total, we visited 37 states and at least 12 National Parks. Being able to spend two months with each other 24/7 in a car, we got married at the end of the trip.

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We moved to Ecuador the day after our wedding. We drove the two main scenic routes of Ecuador: The Volcanic and the Spondylus Route and visited the Galapagos Islands and Amazonia region. After a year, we realized we decided to move to Madrid to study a master in Visual and Digital Media at IE University. With our centralized hub in Spain, we were able to visit over 16 countries in Europe and took a trip to Southeast Asia during our winter break.

Jazmin’s family always asked for advice on where to travel and how to do it on a budget. We thought why not share this information the world? Let’s create a travel blog! We love traveling anywhere and just going along with the adventure. That is when the idea of blank came along. We love traveling to ____

We now split our time between Ecuador and the United States while working remotely in digital marketing, social media management and brand strategy. Of course we still take every opportunity to visit a new destination, near or far to cover in Travel To Blank.

Follow them on Facebook and Instagram too!

Caroline and Chris – Pack The Suitcases

Caroline and Chris
Caroline and Chris

I met my other half, Chris, in 2010 when I went for a job interview. I fancied the interviewer (which was him, obviously!) and luckily he fancied me too so needless to say, I got the job… We soon got together and the rest is history.

Over the years, we’ve been to a lot of places together. We’re lucky enough to get 32 days of annual leave from our jobs, so we use pretty much all of it to go on holidays (that’s ‘vacations’ for US readers!), whether that’s locally in the UK, short breaks in Europe or bigger adventures further afield. Chris’s best friend lives in Japan so some of our most exciting holidays have been spent there.

We live on the border of Stockport and Cheshire, in the North West of England – handily close to Manchester Airport, which was definitely a factor when we were looking for a house to buy in 2012. Our home is close to the beautiful Cheshire countryside and handy for my horse, Beau, who is the other love of my life. Missing him is the only downside to going away regularly!

Last year, Chris and I got married with a very non-traditional feminist wedding in a glasshouse near Chester. More importantly, the wedding was followed by an amazing honeymoon round Scandinavia. The honeymoon is what inspired us to start blogging about our travels – that and the fact that years of wedding planning was over and I didn’t know what to do with all the free time I had now I was no longer spending all my waking hours frantically scrolling through flowers and table plans on Pinterest.

Travel will always continue to be a big thing in our relationship. We’re never happier than when we’re setting out to explore a new city together.

Follow them on Facebook and Instagram too!

Ana and Zsolt – merry-go-round. slowly

Ana and Zsolt
Ana and Zsolt

Zsolt was doing Scandinavian studies in Budapest, Hungary and I in Vilnius, Lithuania and we met in Copenhagen, Denmark on a semester abroad programme studying Danish in 2007. We still argue about who scored who, but yes, it was a university love from a first Danish word – here is to all those who say Danish sounds ugly! This romance was followed by oh so many low cost flights, trains and busses around Europe to meet each other.

In 2008 we have finished our studies and finally started living together – a proper European nomad lifestyle. We lived in Vilnius, Sheffield, London and Budapest, and then separated due to the career paths to live in Luxembourg (Zsolt) and Strasbourg (me). I remember at some point getting so tired of those short-term lives and my main argument was that I cannot even finish the bar of soap in one place. So after we got married, we decided to stay in one place for at least 5 years, and the place of choice was Vilnius.

The settled live has been fun! We have built a house, planted a couple of trees and gave birth to Mark. It is some international house we have as well: Zsolt and I still speak Danish to each other since the day we met. To Mark we speak in our mother-tongues. For me it is Russian and for Zsolt – Hungarian. Everything around us is in Lithuanian, and with most of our friends we speak English.

The travel bug was asleep for a while, but now started to buzz in our ears during the nights about the places far far away waiting to be explored, so let’s see if we can resist it and stay settled as planned for at least those 5 years.

Follow them on Facebook and Instagram too!

#Travel Bloggers' #Love Stories

Amélie and Yannick – The Roving Puffin

Amélie and Yannick
Amélie and Yannick

There are cheesy romance movies where everything is way too perfect to be true and then, there’s real life. If our story was a movie scenario though, it would probably find its place on the shelf of every housewife.

After his studies, Yannick travelled to improve his language skills. His travels took him to Germany, more precisely to Düsseldorf. As for me, I was volunteering in a language school for a year before starting University. Yannick spent three months there and – believe it or not – we never even met once!

On his last day, he picked up something next to my working place and, as he was leaving the room, he heard me laugh which made him come back (he thought that I talked to him; his German was still not on point ). As I was watching ugly Christmas decoration with a colleague, I jokily told him that he should get me one.

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At the end of my shift, I still had two hours to kill before joining the farewell dinner. You can call it luck, coincidence or destiny but we happened to leave the building at the exact same moment. It took us 6 floors and 15 seconds in an elevator and, next thing we know, we are heading to the Christmas market together. A few glasses of mulled wine started the most beautiful story of our lives.

Yannick had to leave Germany the morning after. It was a heart-breaking moment but thousands of texts and a month passed, he came back to Düsseldorf and announced me that he will move in the city. Two weeks later, we moved in our first apartment.

Four years, five apartments and two countries later; we are engaged (we need to tell you that story once ) and about to tie the knot. We’ll keep on sharing our many common passions for years to come.

Follow them on Facebook and Instagram too!

Priya and Ashok – Glorious Sunrise

Priya and Ashok
Priya and Ashok

When I traveled to Chennai, India for work, I never expected that trip to lead to anything more than work! But that is where I met my life partner, my darling husband, even though I did not think so at that time.

Ashok and I became fast friends mainly because of our love for travel and remained strongly bonded. After four years together, we decided to get married and continue traveling the world.

Now we have been married for 5 years and it has been one amazing journey so far!! My husband even helps me with my blog too. He helps me by taking amazing photographs on our trips.

Our first trip with our kids was to Lake Tahoe, California. Even the little ones were excited with the travel.

I am sure we would continue to travel with our little ones and share our love for the world with them too 🙂

Follow them on Facebook and Instagram too!

Amrita and Agniswar – Tale of 2 Backpackers

Amrita and Agniswar
Amrita and Agniswar

It was me who always had the itchy feet and always raring to go out at any given opportunity. I met this extrovert and the smiling boy on the first day of our college. We took time to hit off, but once we started knowing each other, there was no looking back. We are such great friends that none of ever felt that it could be more than that. Finally, when college ended, the boy realized that he couldn’t let go of the girl.

And then came the proposal – “When I will be quite able, I will propose you. Will you please wait for me till then?” Only a hardhearted cannot be but floored by these words. So started our journey together.

I always had the urge to travel places while Agni was the more rooted kind. But as they say, love transforms; and so he too started travelling with me. We are now eleven years together and married for six years. Together, we underwent many crazy adventures; we discovered our love for trekking and nature and finally realized that life is a beautiful journey that we want to travel together. We found our love for Himalayas after walking barefoot on the vast Bedni Bugyal, counted the stars on a night at the Nubra Valley, overcame my fear of water to go for scuba diving and did all the things that we thought we would never be able to do!

We got married on 2011 and since then kept our passion for travel and life alive. And we happily keep on exploring cities and mountains and deserts and roads.

Follow them on Facebook and Instagram too!

Katherine and Hali – Tara Lets Anywhere


I met my boyfriend when I volunteered in an outreach event in an impoverished community in the Philippines in 2015. He was there as a fellow volunteer, assigned to do documentation of our trip. We got along really well. He’s familiar with the indie bands that I liked (amazingly), and we have many things in common… we both love culture and travel!

Since then, he became my boyfriend and tag-along buddy. He likes adventures such as skydiving, trekking and chasing waterfalls. I like the serenity of beaches. We compromise. We also blog about what we do! But it’s not all about adventures on the road… We also love staying at home and playing with his cats and dogs.

Currently, we’re together for a little more than 2 years. We’ll be doing a LDR, as he’ll be staying in the Philippines to continue working in animation and a little bit of photography, while I’m off to another Southeast Asian country. We’ve agreed to visit each other after every few months.

Follow them on Facebook and Instagram too!

Analucia and Francisco – Viajar Para Vivir and Viajando Con Fran

Analucia and Francisco
Analucia and Francisco

After almost one year of relationship, there are some moments where I still don’t believe that THIS happened, but here we are, living together, currently spending the summer in Ukraine, working as Digital Nomads, having explored 7 countries together, and with 12 new countries coming in the next months.

I’m Peruvian and in 2014 I started a round the world trip traveling solo and also opened my Travel Blog. Maybe you are thinking that I met the love of my life traveling, but that’s not the right answer.

Fran, who is Argentinian and also had a Travel Blog, had different trips around the world, and in the moment “we met” (because it was via Skype), he was going to start a trip around the Balkans. Maybe is boring to say that we met when we cofounded an association of Spanish speaking travel bloggers, but yes, we met working, but of course sharing our passion.
We talked for around 8 months, lots of “professional chemistry”, as he likes to call it, and in November, while I was living in London, he decided to come for professional interests to a reknown travel fair. I was super excited, but for me, he was just my work buddy. Well, after 3 days of full talks and laughs, it was impossible to hide what we were feeling and since that moment we decided to be together forever.

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It was kind of tough, as we had some trips already planned by ourselves, so we spent 2 months separated between United States, Hong Kong, Philippines, Argentina, Georgia, Peru, Colombia and Mexico, but after that, he came to live with me to London, and I remember telling him: “Wait for me a couple of months, and then I quit and we go to travel the world together”.
Our first trip together was unusual, as it was a Blog Trip to India, so imagine trying to know each other more, but being surrounded by 27 bloggers the whole day. We still laugh about it. Every single trip we do together teaches us something new, and we are not planning to stop with this style of life.

Follow Analucia on Instagram and Francisco on Instagram too!

Meghna and Pushkaraj – Trailing Abroad

Meghna and Pushkaraj
Meghna and Pushkaraj

Pushkaraj and I met while volunteering at the Dubai International Film Festival in 2007. At that time, he was studying electrical engineering at a university in Dubai and I was in high school. We were both paired together to pack invites for film makers and actors when we had our first awkward conversation. Fast forward to the end of the film festival and we had blissfully spent four days sneaking away from work and chit chatting at nearby cafes, oblivious to the rest of the world. Needless to say, we got along pretty well and stayed in touch after the film festival ended. Two years
later, Pushkaraj decided to ask me for a date and spookily enough, I said yes to him while we were walking through a graveyard! We were barely together for a year after which I eventually moved to India to pursue my degree in Law and Pushkaraj found a corporate job in Dubai.

After surviving seven years of a roller coaster long distance relationship, we decided to get married in May 2016 and that, undoubtedly, was the wisest decision we have ever made. It is strange that in spite of being poles apart in our personalities, we are so similar in our lifestyle and choices. We are both easy going, adventurous and love exploring the world together. Though we have been traveling for long, we started our blog on our first wedding anniversary and absolutely love what we do. Pushkaraj’s love for photography along with my passion for writing makes Trailing Abroad our precious baby, something we put our heart and soul into. We try to focus on affordable luxuries, traveling to relatively unheard of destinations and exploring the perks of off-season travel.

Follow them on Facebook and instagram too.

Claire and Danik – The Curious Explorers

update 2019: the two travel bloggers are no longer a couple. You can read Claire’s blog – Curious Claire -and Danik’s blog – Danik The Explorer

Claire and Danik
Claire and Danik

After meeting at a travel backpackers event in London back in April 2015 very briefly and both living and working in London, UK, we decided to meetup for lunchtime drinks in the Shoreditch area. It wasn’t a date or anything like that, purely drinks. However, we hit it off and we kept seeing each other. The start of our relationship was rocky as Danik was at the end of his marriage, so we officially announced our relationship back in October 2016 despite traveling to amazing places like Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic. We haven’t been together that long but our relationship is stronger and more fun (despite the usual stuff like love, happiness etc) as we both have a passion to travel, to wanderlust, to explore amazing places, to find ourselves even more. To top it off we are travel bloggers and we both had blogs at the time but we came to a decision to combine, that’s how ‘The Curious Explorers’ came about as well. For the future, who knows. We will continue to travel to amazing places and hopefully our love will get stronger.

Loredana and Andrei – Travel – Moments in Time

restaurant - wedding party
restaurant – wedding party

12 years ago, on March 30, I was part of the team of the agency that organised an event for the company Andrei worked. I never met him before and he didn’t even participate at that event. He came a bit early for the next event that took place in the same hotel conference room. And there he saw me with a mutual friend. It was love at first sight for Andrei. But… after the first date, I told him he’s not my type. Yet, on June 30 – so 3 months later – he proposed and on September 23rd we got married (to the city hall in Bucharest) and on the next day, September 24th, in church, to the beautiful monastery in Sinaia (Romania). Yes, we got married less than 6 months since we met. 12 years later we are still happily married – now our family is bigger as we have a 6 years old son and a dog. 🙂 And a common passion for travel (all four of us), of course!

#Travel Bloggers' #Love Stories

#Travel Bloggers' #Love Stories







I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

8 thoughts on “Travel Bloggers’ Love Stories: Incredible, But True!

  • 18 September, 2017 at 02:05

    Hi Lori, thanks for including us in this wonderful round up – it’s so nice to read about other traveler’s love stories too! Great way to start the day on a happy upbeat note 🙂

    • 18 September, 2017 at 11:52

      Thank you, Megan, for joining this collab. I loved learning these love stories – they are indeed special and inspiring 😉

  • 23 September, 2017 at 08:31

    This is really adorable. I think some of my best memories with my husband is when we are traveling together, although I go solo alot too. Looks like it is time to plan another trip together!

  • 24 September, 2017 at 11:20

    It’s heartwarming to see all of the love in this world! Thanks for putting together this uplifting article. 🙂

  • 24 September, 2017 at 11:40

    Aww, these stories are so sweet! It’s great seeing all the memories that were made across the world and happiness it’s brought each couple. 😀

  • 24 September, 2017 at 15:04

    How lovely those couples look <3

  • 28 September, 2017 at 19:45

    This is so cute! I love seeing so many happy travel couples.

  • 3 October, 2017 at 12:38

    its amazing story’s and lively couple. Looks like it is time to plan another trip together!


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