Top 37 interesting statues and public places in the world

A dear friend sent me a power point presentation with over 30 interesting statues in public places all over the world. I found out a great deal – and I thought I’d pass this facts along. Yes, there are some interesting info!

There are 36 great statues and a public building. See them all and afterward tell me which ones did you saw;) – and which did you like from this presentation:).

The Magic Tap - Aqualand, Cadiz

The Magic Tap
Magic tap, which appears to float in the sky with an endless supply of water. In actuality, there is a pipe hidden in the stream of water. Location: Aqualand, Cadiz.

The Oarsman - Knoxville, Tennessee

The Oarsman. Location: Knoxville, Tennessee

The Thumb - Paris

The Thumb. Location: Paris

Melting cow, Budapest

Melting cow. Location: Budapest, Hungary

La Trobe, Melbourne

La Trobe
A contemporary representation of Charles La Trobe in central Melbourne (This temporary installation was removed at the end of June 2006 and has been acquired by La Trobe University). Location: Melbourne.

The Hanging Rhino - Potsdam

The Hanging Rhino. Location: Potsdam

Man at work - Bratislava

Man at work
This bronze statue is located in the pedestrian zone of Bratislava. Rub its nose, and you will have fortune. I am sure many people believe in that as have a look at the nose, it looks badly rubbed. Location: Bratislava.

Madame Chapeau - Brussels, Belgium

Madame Chapeau
Designed to create a dynamics between two streets, this sculpture beams with its presence in the space that was allocated to the artist. The lady is fearlessly counting her money in an area of Brussels that is famous for its pickpockets. Location: Brussels, Belgium.

De Vaartkapoen - Brussels, Belgium

De Vaartkapoen
Low down, a young rebel, the Vaartkapoen, reminiscent of a jack-in-the-box, topples over a policeman higher up, thus overthrowing his authority. Location: Brussels, Belgium.


Location: Prague.

See also  A Really Funny Discovery at the Technical Museum in Brno

Vigelands Parken - Oslo, Norway

Vigelands Parken. Location: Oslo, Norway

Eating a Biscuit together - Seoul, Korea

Eating a Biscuit together
Located in front of the Bukcheon Museum. Sculptor is Ku Bom Ju. Location: Seoul, Korea.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles
A true to life art work in front of the Ernst & Young building.Location: Los Angeles.

Salt Lake City, Utah

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah.

The Shark - Headington, Oxford
The Shark
The Shark became the most famous resident of Headington when it landed in the roof of 2 New High Street (see map) on 9 August 1986.This ordinary home (built as a semi-detached house in about 1860 but now attached by a link to a second house to the north) suddenly became the centre of world attention, and the headless shark still excites interest today. Location: 2 New High Street, Headington, Oxford.

San Antonio, Texas

Location: San Antonio, TX.

Manhattan, USA

Location: Manhattan, USA

Stockholm, Sweden

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Minsk,  Belarus

Location: Minsk, Belarus

Knotted legs running - Kanazawa, Japan

Knotted legs running.
Location: Kanazawa, Japan

Amsterdam, Holland

Location: Amsterdam, Holland


Location: Singapore

Broken Chair memorial - Switzerland

Broken Chair memorial
Location: Switzerland

Dundee, Scotland

Location: Dundee, Scotland

Dundee, Scotland 2

Location: Dundee, Scotland

Cape Town - South Africa

Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Roosevelt Memorial - Washington DC
Roosevelt Memorial in the National Mall area
Location: Washington DC.

Giant hands - Como, Italy

Giant hands
Location: Como, Italy

Minsk, Belarus 2

Location: Minsk. Belarus

The Tall Banker, Luxembourg

The Tall Banker
Location: Luxembourg

Nice, France

Location: Nice, France

Worlds Largest Basket Building - Newark, Ohio

World’s Largest Basket Building
Location: Newark Ohio

Mirrored man face - Turin, Italy

Mirrored man face
Location: Turin, Italy

Punta del Este, Uruguay

Location: Punta del Este, Uruguay

Berlin, Germany

Location: Berlin, Germany

Dromeas - Athens, Greece

Location: Athens, Greece

Kansas City Public Library

Location: Kansas City Public Library.

So, as I already mentioned the info and photos are from the presentation I received. I don’t know who made the presentation – but big thanks to that person. Also, if you know who owns the rights for the photos please tell me and I’ll insert credits :).

See also  How to pick the perfect flower bouquet - customs from around the world

And now the final verdict: which ones of these statues and buildings in public spaces did you saw and which did you like from this presentation?


I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

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