Strada Sforii – The Rope Street – Brasov, Romania a curiosity and an interesting story

If you are wondering whether a street can have an interesting story, let me tell you that yes, a street can have an amazing and lost in time history.

Brasov is one of the larger and more famous cities of Romania. Many events are hosted in this city and many people go to it the city and than up to the mountains – for Brasov is a city located in the middle of the mountains. You can take the cable car and go to the top of the mountains for a beautiful panorama of the city.

But let’s get back to the Rope Street and it’s story.

If you’ll search tourism guides you’ll find out that this is a street from the XIX-th century and that is in fact a corridor for the firefighters.

But there’s more to the story – and we found this out from a guide 😉

First of all imagine that the street has a length of 80 m and a width between 111 and 135 cm. Right, centimeters. That means between 44 and 54 inches. Not much space, right? But wait! It gets even better. At the end there’s a wall that allows only a man to get through.

Now let’s go way back in history and think about the medieval wars and the cavalry – rider and his horse. Imagine an army comes to this street and it has to pass it… they cannot advance in formation but only one at a time. And at the end, the horseman cannot even exit mounted! At the other end there are the defenders, just waiting for the enemy. Should I go on any further or you can imagine the outcome by yourselves?

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Yes, Romanians always used the turf advantages. We have mountains and we ambushed the enemy armies in these passes. The Rope Street is another interesting finding of the inventiveness of the people fighting to protect their land.

Of course nowadays it’s just a street and a curiosity for many – at least for those who heard about it. But enough said – let’s have a look at the street (and at Ave and me as well 🙂 ).

Strada Sforii - The Rope Street - Brasov, Romania
Strada Sforii – The Rope Street – Brasov, Romania
Strada Sforii - The Rope Street - Brasov, Romania - interesting story
Strada Sforii – The Rope Street – Brasov, Romania – interesting story
Strada Sforii - The Rope Street - Brasov, Romania - interesting story
Strada Sforii – The Rope Street – Brasov, Romania
Strada Sforii - The Rope Street - Brasov, Romania - interesting story
Strada Sforii – The Rope Street – Brasov, Romania – interesting story



I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

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