Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point) – a destination for tourists in Mexico

Located about 100 km from the Arizona border, Puerto Peñasco seems to be an interesting destination for travelers all over the world. I must admit I discovered this city while documenting on Mexico – attractions, places to see etc. But I decided to dedicate a post to Puerto Peñasco for I liked it’s name origins.

First of all, let me tell you that Puerto Peñasco  is located on the small part of land connecting the peninsula of Baja California with the rest of Mexico. You’d say that’s not interesting, and I’d agree. But this fact raises some questions: what makes this place special? Why does it attract tourists?

I’d have to tell you that in the beginnings this place was attractive to fishermen and for people coming here to search for pearls and precious metals, but also for totoaba – a marine fish used for its meat and also in medicine.

The name of this city comes from a large quantity of solidified lava that hit the Gulf. In the early days, retired Lt. Robert William Hale Hardy from the British Royal Fleet was sailing in this area searching for those precious pearls and metals and he named this place Rocky Point. Afterward the city was called Puerto Punta Peñasco (Port Rocky Point), and for a short name Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point in English) was chose.

Puerto Peñasco is already heavily visited by people from Arizona and California so it seems that this area is in full development. You can easily find a puerto penasco hotel if you want to come in this area.

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Of course, you’ll have to cross the border in order to get there, but if you do a little reading beforehand and if you obey the law there are no problems.

So, what do you say? Will you visit Puerto Peñasco/Rocky Point?


I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

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