Etihad Airways Introduces Flying Nanny

Flying Nanny - Etihad AirwaysLong haul flights can be really challenging for families and unaccompanied minors. Everyone wants to be able to fly in peace and quiet, especially when it comes to long flights. But interacting with minors is not as easy as it might seem. It takes a lot of attention and needs some special skills in dealing with children. Etihad Airways just announced in a press release that it introduces Flying Nanny on board long haul flights in order to provide a ‘helping hand’ to families and unaccompanied minors. Children will also find out more about the carrier’s collectable characters – Zoe the bee, Jamool the camel, Kundai the lion, and Boo the panda.

300 Etihad Airways cabin crew members have completed enhanced training over the last couple of months, and other 60 will attend the same in-depth training. Flying Nannies will help both families and unaccompanied minors and crew cabin in their interaction with families.

“Flying with a young family can be a daunting task, even for the most experienced travellers, and the Flying Nanny role demonstrates our understanding of our guests’ needs and our commitment to making the journey as relaxing and comfortable as possible,” explained Aubrey Tiedt, Etihad Airways’ Vice President Guest Services.

Flying Nannies will use origami art, creating sock puppets, quizzes and many more to keep kids occupied during the flight. They will also help parents by replenishing milk bottles and offering items such as water, fruit and other snacks and provide parents relevant information about transiting Abu Dhabi.

I think it is a really good idea to create such a service. I can tell you from my own experience that a child needs to be approached in a specific way and that he behaves different with his family and with strangers and sometimes such a person, trained to entertain him and to stimulate him, can do wonder for everyone involved: family, children and the rest of the passengers who will have the chance to enjoy their flight and not hear screams and fights!

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