Where to go for Stag weekends in UK

So you have been bestowed with the responsibility of organising a stag party for your best mate. While the responsibility is a lot of fun, making sure everything is beyond perfect can become a bit difficult, especially when you have budget or time boundations. But there are many great options for stag weekends in UK and, to help you plan the perfect getaway, here are some suggestions.

Choosing the right destination for your stag do is fundamental to success. Understanding this, and keeping mind the budget and time constraints many chaps face, we have prepared the list of the top stag do destinations The UK has to offer. Each place recommended below has various activities available – from roller coasters to race mud buggies or even white water rafting. So, regardless of what you and your friend like to do, there is a perfect place for you and the memorable party.

These destinations tick all the boxes for a legendary stag do. Stag friendly locals, crazy adventure activities, and plenty of exotic fun make these destinations the perfect choice for a proper British single life sendoff!

Newcastle is the first great idea for stag weekends in UK, especially if you like beers. The vibrant nightlife is also luring for anyone looking for the best stag do destination.

The next city on the list is Blackpool, perfect for beach and roller coaster lovers. Or, you may choose to go to Brighton and see some race mud buggies or play some bowling. Cardiff is perfect for sports lovers, while Edinburgh awaits for you with some adrenaline pumping white water rafting.

London needs no presentation (as you know already, it’s one of my favourite cities), while Manchester is the football buff’s paradise. These ideas for stag weekends in the United Kingdom have been compiled in the infographic below by StagWeekends.co.uk.

What will you choose for the bachelor party that you’ll have to organise – or for your own?

See also  10 Best Beaches in the UK Worthy to Visit

Where to go for Stag weekends in UK, batchelor party UK, stag weekend #UK


I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

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