Space radiation could affect astronauts and airline passengers in the future

It seems that the sun’s activity and the increase of radiation could affect in the future airline passengers and astronauts, as we read in an article published on

“When powerful sunstorms are aimed directly at Earth, they can pose a serious threat to astronauts in orbiting spacecraft, damage satellites, interfere with communications systems and impact power plants and other infrastructure on the surface.”

Should this mean putting off air travel? No, say the experts. Michael Lockwood, a co-author of the study that showed that the future will bring an increase in space radiation, says “However, it is good to be aware that one is exposed to more hazardous particles, particularly on trans-polar flights,”. “For really frequent, lifelong fliers, it might become wise to be like workers in the radiation industry and have more-frequent and more in-depth health checks. Also, to reduce exposure for passengers and crew to higher doses during solar events, flights may be diverted to lower latitudes and altitudes, with delay and cost implications — those extra costs will be reflected in ticket prices, of course.”

What do you think of this news and this study’s results? Will you travel just as much with airplanes?

SUN Whips Out Massive Flare CREDIT: NASA
SUN Whips Out Massive Flare - CREDIT: NASA

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