Slatina, Romania – a visit through photos

I’m so happy to continue the series in which I present you cities from all over the world – and especially from Romania – in photos.

Ileana AndreiToday I’m saying a big “Thank you” to Ileana Andrei for all the interesting information on Slatina and, of course, for the great photos! I’m recommending you too follow her on Facebook, to connect with her on LinkedIn and to read her blog (it’s in Romanian).

The city is build on a hill. The Civil Status Office (Casa Casatoriilor) is build on a different hill, front of “The Upper City”. This is a perfect place to see a city panorama and a main attraction of the city.

But what’s with this upper city and where’s the lower city – right? Well, it’s a simple story – as I found out from Ileana. In the beginnings there was “The lower city” and only some time after this one was built the upper one. During Ceausescu’s era, the lower city was the main attraction in Slatina for here there were (and there still are!!!) terraces, restaurants and the “boutique” of genuine Albanians. On Sundays, most of the people used to go to this lower city and eat some “halva” and drink some “braga”, original Albany treats which Slatina is famous for.

Slowly, but surely, the upper city developed, and now there are some plans to make some facelift to the lower town, some restoration of historical buildings. But most important is that in the recent years, the city has been enriched with parks, fountains and places where one can stay and enjoy fresh air.

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Slatina was first mentioned in an official document on January 20, 1368. Alro Slatina, the largest aluminum producing factory in Southeastern Europe, is located in the city. Recent, Pirelli has opened a factory here – the biggest in Eastern Europe.

So there you have it: a city with some interesting places, worth of at least a visit. And now the photos! Enjoy!

Slatina 1

Slatina 2

Slatina 3

Slatina 4

Slatina 5

Slatina 6

Slatina 7

Slatina 8

Slatina 9

Slatina 10

Slatina 12

Slatina 13

Slatina 14

Slatina 15

Slatina 16

Slatina 17

Slatina 18

Slatina 19

Slatina 20

Slatina 21

Slatina 22

Slatina 23

Slatina 24

Slatina 25

Slatina 26

Slatina 27

Slatina 28

Slatina 29

Slatina 30

Slatina 31

Slatina 32

Slatina 33


I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

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