WTA’s Top 10 Most Romantic Places to Propose in 2012

I must admit I found out an interesting thing: in a leap year, women, according to tradition, can get down on their knees and propose. Yup, had no idea, but I think it’s fun;) I’m also sure many women would love to be able to have this initiative (and many men would love it too being too shy or nervous).

Manon Han, Executive Vice President, WTA, says: “Proposing to your loved one is always going to be a nerve-wracking moment, especially with the added pressure of being a lady. But choosing a fitting location can go a long way in swaying the outcome favourably.”

“We have chosen destinations that range from the fail-safe classics to some off-beat surprises. For the traditionalists, the Taj Mahal or the Sahara should bag your man.” (source). Keep in mind that
The leap year also coincides with the submission deadline for WTA’s 2012 Grand Tour, a global search for the best travel organisations in the world. Entry forms can be completed online or downloaded from www.worldtravelawards.com/nominate.

There are only a few days left to February 29th, so World Travel Awards (WTA) announced today its Top 10 most romantic places to propose in 2012 ;).

1. Taj Mahal, India

Taj Mahal From Masjid

photo by Arindambasu2

2. Lewa Downs, Kenya
3. Antarctica

Antarctica Fryxellsee Opt

photo source

4. Rialto Bridge, Venice

Rialto bridge, Venice

photo by Chene Beck

5. Iguazu Falls, Argentina

Iguazu falls

photo by Mitchipr

6. Roseberry Topping, Yorkshire


photo by ChrisO

7. Sahara Desert, Morocco

Sahara desert

photo by Luca Galuzzi (Lucag)
8. The Pitons, St Lucia

The Pitons at Soufriere Saint Lucia
9. Great Barrier Reef, Australia

See also  The World's Most Unconventional Holidays

10. Snowshill, Cotswolds, UK

photo source


I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

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