Orange trees in Nabeul, Tunisia

Last year, in December, I had a great time travelling to Tunisia although I’ve been working with a conference that I’ve held. I was very surprised to see orange trees at every corner of the streets in Nabeul. It was really interesting to know that you can reach out the fruits in every moment of the day, can you believe it? 😀

Orange trees in Nabeul, Tunisia - In the center of the city

Orange trees in Nabeul, Tunisia - Details

Orange trees in Nabeul, Tunisia - On the streets


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Valentina Roman

Being an optimistic and organized character, I’ve always tried to bring something fresh in whatever I’m doing. This is why the projects I’m involved have taken part of my desire to reach perfection by innovation and responsibility for the partner. I like open, happy, creative people, able to transmit their ideas in an elegant and decent manner. A tent of common sense and pragmatism in an age where details seem to matter no more. You can read my blog or follow me on Twitter in Romanian

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