King’s Cross, London – Streetstories – a New Launched App for iPhone and Android

King's Cross, London - Streetstories
King's Cross, London - Streetstories - source

Fun facts, interesting history details, attention to background sounds, and many street stories available for any traveler and visitor in London with new app for iPhone and Android – King’s Cross, London – Streetstories – launched today by Guardian News & Media (GNM).

This is an audio street guide, indeed rather based around the area of Guardian offices in London (a really good PR move too, if you ask me).

How does it work?

Very simple: you simply plug in your headphones, turn on the app and it will realize where you are. Start up the ‘autoplay’ mode and the app starts to tell you stories about the places you are visiting.

But there is another option, ‘manual’ mode, in which anyone can listen to the info anywhere he or she is.

“The idea came to me a while ago. Everyone knows that digital content is being consumed more and more on mobile and that location is playing an important role. Audio works really well on the move, allowing you to interact with your environment whilst adding another layer” as we find out from the official article about the launch.

The developers are really looking forward to feedback from users and they say future improvements will probably come. You are invited thus to share your experience and desires regarding this app.

I think this is an interesting app, a model that could be replicated in other cities, not only from UK. Having stories about places you’re from one’s hometown or cities visited is indeed a good thing and I would like to see more such projects. Of course, keep in mind that you are offering info about where you are – but it’s kind of hard to keep your privacy these days. Also, you will have to pay for internet – in roaming – as it has to connect to some satellites in order to give you proper data about the places you are seeing.

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I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

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