A Visit on the Run, or Seeing Less but more Thoroughly?

I admit, I do like to go see as much as possible when in a place. And not only museums or points of interest: I like also to go off the beaten path, in the non-tourist areas (for instance to go beyond the tourist trail in one city), where locals go.

But I also feel the need sometimes to take a break, to allow myself to simply enjoy everything.

Transalpina from the car
Transalpina from the car

Yes, I saw some museums on the run. I admit it. And I kind of had to – as I didn’t know when I’ll be able to go back (I still want to go back in some cities and I don’t know if I’ll ever get there again in my life, even if they are on the same continent as my own, and even if there aren’t any social problems in the country!).

But I also admit I would have liked to be able to see them more thoroughly – like the art museum in Vienna, Belvedere Palace in Vienna, a castle in Brno, Louvre in Paris and so on. I would have liked to have all the time in the world to see what I please for how long I please – without knowing I won’t be able to go somewhere else.

I also had days when I didn’t do everything on the run and took my time to simply enjoy the view, a place, to listen to a river passing by our hotel while breathing the fresh air in the mountains.

I cherish all my travel days, on the run or not, the same. I am not a nomad, nor do I travel for long periods of time in a city/country. That is why I don’t regret seeing something on the run – I know that was the case, a choice I made and, if I’ll have the chance of going back to that same place, I’d try to take my time for a longer and more thorough visit. Until then I do know I blessed my soul with a visit, as short as it may have been.

I don’t think there is a universal solution or recommendation. I mean, yes, we should be able to take our time and enjoy a place, not be pressed. Walking somewhere, admiring something, relaxing on a chair or on a beach without looking at the clock. But sometimes that is just not possible. It is a matter of choice, and the only important thing is to assume that choice and have no regrets.

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I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

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