Photos, photos and more photos

I must confess I like it. I like taking photos. Therefore I’d like to use the PERFECT camera. But hey, let’s face it – there’s no such thing as a “perfect camera”. Still, things evolve, and I managed to stay around the edge – sometimes closer, sometimes further – and I had the opportunity to catch some at least interesting shots. Since my old EOS 300D (Digital Rebel, in the U.S.) was becoming more uncomfortable by the day (slow startup, slow sequence shooting, small – only 4 shots – buffer, and the absolutely devastatingly slow USB1.1 interface – meaning it could take more than 2 hours to download 3 GB of photos) we took the opportunity to run for an upgrade. So we choose Canon’s newest member of the EOS prosumer line, the 500D. And we had the chance to find a pretty damn good deal at one of the best photo shops in Bucharest, F64 Studio – which is what actually made us choose this device from Nikon’s direct competitor, the D90. This, and the massive difference in body weight (140 g) – which helps a less strong operator to use it for a longer time with less arms fatigue. And when you consider the extra weight of a wide range zoom lens and a battery grip plus two packs, it becomes pretty obvious why the lower weight won the race (given that Milady is using it pretty often, especially when she joins me at some air models event).

So we’re now armed with a pretty useful – and powerful – photographer’s tool. We’re looking forward to using it on a wide variety of subjects and we hope you’ll enjoy the end result. The only point is that in photography it’s not the camera that matters – the main tool is the human eye. And the eye needs practice – which we have, but we find out something new all the time, therefore we still didn’t lose our ability to learn so there’s still a chance to bring you some nice images.

Until then, we wish you a happy winter from the first signs of it from our place, Bucharest!

See also  City decorated for Christmas - many lights ;)




When he's not flying his RC air models, he's more likely next to a computer - but you can sometimes find him at an airsoft game, as much as weather allows. For both outdoor activities...

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