Today Europe Celebrates Emergency Number 112 Day

112 emergency number in the EUI think that one of the first things one needs to know when visiting a country is the emergency number. Though no one wants to need it, it is important to know where people can get help. Valid across all EU countries, 112 is the emergency number you need to know and have on speed dial! This number can be used from any landline, payphone or mobile phone to reach the emergency services (ambulance, fire-fighters and police) in any EU country free of charge.

February 11 is, since 2009, the European 112 Day. A series of events take place in participating European countries in order to raise awareness for this number. Here you can find the list of the activities taking place in over 25 countries involved in the European 112 Day 2013.

112 EU emergency number

“The substantial number of countries organising the European 112 Day highlights the importance of raising awareness of 112 at EU level, especially during this Year of Citizens. Better awareness levels and quality of service of 112 would definitely be of great benefit to European citizens moving around the Single Market and to emergency services striving to serve the hundreds of millions of emergency calls they receive every year”, comments Olivier Paul Morandini, President of the European Emergency Number Association (EENA).

The organizers expect this year anniversary to have the most countries participating. Information sessions and presentations on 112 in schools along with Open Doors and visits in the 112 emergency call-centres are organized across Europe. Some countries even linked the 112 emergency number with CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) procedure as people don’t know how to perform this procedure when situation requires it.

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112 was created in 1991 and starting 2008 it is the common emergency number in European countries.


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