Top 10 places to visit in Romania as picked out by Simona

Guest post by Simona Valentina

If you ever been in Romania or not, yet, you should know that Romania, in most of its parts, is like a wild paradise. The mountains, the sea, the hills, the rivers, the forests, the caves and all the nature will open up to you if you’re willing to travel from North to South and from East to West. There’s one thing I’ll assure you about Romania: you won’t get bored! There’s no place where you can find yourself doing … nothing. Even if you’ll sit down on a bench in a park to admire a flower or a statue, or sit on the beach to welcome the sunrise or on the top of a mountain to contemplate the sunset, you’ll find yourself talking with the nature and maybe with its Creator. And that’s one of the many stories you’ll tell to your friends or relatives when you go back home.

The ten places that I’ll recommend you to visit, all of them deserve to be  “number 1” in the top. So, don’t look for the number, but look for the place itself. I will take in consideration the traveler who’ll like to explore the mountains, to discover the hidden treasures that lies in our caves. I’ll take in consideration the traveler who’s in love with our history, or wants to discover it. I’ll take in consideration the traveler who just wants to admire the force of the water that flows through our mountains and lets behind her astonishing views. But, I’ll take in consideration, too, that traveler who’s a photographer of the birds, for example. So, let’s start the counting. But before that, you should know that I’ll write the places in Romanian because while you’re in Romania, these are the names you should look for. But the links I’ll try to provide them in English.

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10. Bucuresti. Not because is the capital of Romania, but mostly because of the beautiful history you’ll find in the museums, in parks or gardens, even on the streets (in the old part of the city called Centrul Vechi). I’ll highly recommend you to visit Muzeul Palatului Cotroceni – a place built as a monastery, first, in 1679 by Serban Cantacuzino. Late, in 1888 it became the residence place for the King Carol I of Romania. If you’re curious about the marks of communism in Romania, than you should visit Casa Poporului, which today serves as The Parliament Palace. There’s also the Museum of the Romanian Peasant which is so interesting and beautiful. You can spend a whole day here. Another great places to visit in Bucuresti are the parks or gardens, especially Parcul Cismigiu and Parcul Herastrau. Here, you’ll enjoy your relaxing time.

9. Sinaia and its castles: Castelul Peles and Castelul Pelisor. Two castles with such a beautiful and tragic history. Not to mention the views that makes you feel like you’re playing a roll in a movie.

8. Marea Neagra and Delta Dunarii were created especially for people who loves to sail or explore the fauna. Also, because Black Sea is known for its salt, is a very good place for spa and treatment, especially for people with lungs diseases or rheumatism. Not to mention that you’ll see the sunrise and the sunset like never before. Be prepared to take pictures. I believe Delta Dunarii is specially created for photography. Here you’ll find different species of birds. Also, the fish has a different taste here. Another aspect of these places is their history. Here, you’ll find a mixed culture: Romanian, Turkish, Ukrainian, Macedonian, etc. If time permits and you love history, visit the fortresses, too.

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7. Cazanele Dunarii and Pensiunea Septembrie. While driving this road near the border with Bulgaria and Yugoslavia you’ll find yourself amazed by the landscapes provided by the Danube River and the Carpathian Mountains. When you reach the Inn probably you’ll like to spend the night there. You won’t regret it. It’s a perfect time to relax and enjoy the views. Also, there you’ll find the landmark of this area: the Head of the King Decebal carved in the mountain.

6. Muzeul Portile de Fier and Cetatea Severinului are ready to reveal years of beautiful history. For example, the ruins of the faimous bridge of Apollodor od Damascus who built it under the command of Emperor Traian between the years of 103-105.

5. Pestera Bolii is a special cave. It’s known already for being a perfect place for movies and concerts. One of it’s beauty consist in the stream that flows inside her. Because of the stream you have to pass like three bridges.

4. Cheile Banitei and Cheile Corcoaia are a fantastic places for outdoor activities and speleology. It’s near to Pestera Bolii. If you have a tent with you, you might wanna camp here. Enjoy the beautiful landscapes made by the force of water flowing through the mountains.

3. Cheile Bicazului are found in the Eastern Carpathian Mountains. Also, The Red Lake is a special place to be visited. You’ll enjoy not only the beautiful sites of these mountains but also the crafts items sold by the local people.

2. Pestera Ursilor, for me, it’s the most beautiful cave in Romania. It was discovered in 1975 by the miner Traian Curta who worked at the quarry. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the splendid speleological formations. Also, make sure you’ll catch the sunset on the Apuseni Mountains.

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1. Oradea not only because is my hometown, the place were I was born. But because its gorgeous history. After you’ll find out its history you’ll discover that though is not a big city, it’s a royal one. Also, I do recommend to visit Oradea Fortress which is still in renovation. One thing you’ll discover here is that is not only a fortress but a beautiful garden with splendid views.

About Simona Valentina

My name is Simona V. Cuibus and I live in Oradea-Romania. I’m involved in web 2.0 due to my blog which I started in December 2008. With baby steps, not knowing too much about Social Media, I became more and more involved in different activities related to Social Media, like: conferences, campaigns and specific projects that required knowledge in this field. Other areas of interest are: P.R.& Communication, Design & Arts, Travel & Living, Books, Sports, Movies and Music.
You can also connect with me on: Twitter/Facebook/Google+


I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

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