Happy Martisor Day and a wonderful spring!

Romania (and some of the other countries in the area) welcomes spring in a special way: with Martisor holiday! It is a holiday celebrating spring, a new beginning, the end of cold winter and the rebirth of nature. All over the country people receive “martisoare” (trinkets) – in some parts of the country the women receive them (including where I live), while in Northern regions of Romania, men receive them. Yes, interesting traditions all over the country.

This year we start the spring with a day that is usually for resting, relaxing, to spend with friends and family (Sunday). Even if it is not a sunny day (so far) I wish you to have a wonderful day and an amazing spring!

If you want to find out more about the holiday and see some martisoare, I’m recommending you this article with Legends of Martisor and you can find here other “martisoare” (trinkets).

Happy Martisor Day and a wonderful spring!


Martisor, photo from Shutterstock

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I’m offering public relations, communications and image counseling in everyday life and I have a PR agency – PRwave INTERNATIONAL. I am passionate about reading, blogging (I also have a blog in Romanian) and traveling. Follow me on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian) and @TravelMoments.

6 thoughts on “Happy Martisor Day and a wonderful spring!

  • 1 March, 2015 at 17:42

    Happy Martisor Day to you as well. We really have enjoyed our time in Bucharest and have visited several of the street markets looking at all of the red and white trinkets. Yesterday we spent the day in Brasov what a wonderful city, it was a beautiful spring day.

    • 1 March, 2015 at 20:31

      Thank you, Rob! I know another traveler who was yesterday in Brasov with some friends!!! Indeed, it is a lovely city – and I have special memories from there (including funny ones!)

      I am glad to hear you saw the trinkets – they are indeed special if offered from the heart!

  • 1 March, 2015 at 20:06

    Happy Martisor Day to you too. Thanks for teaching me about it

    • 1 March, 2015 at 20:32

      Thank you, Rhonda! I am glad you found this tradition interesting!


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